Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area

The Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area is dependent on the apartment style or floor plan of Chathamcourt Reflections apartment. The located arrangement and area in terms of square feet also differs from one apartment design to another. We shall take a look at some of the Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area.

The Baseline apartment dining area is an extension of the living room adjacent to the kitchen but is clearly marked, in between the walls of the two bathrooms, with an area of 8.8 x 7.10 feet or 62.48 square feet.

The Court apartment style is more of an extension of the kitchen with about an area of 9.4 x 10.11 feet or 95+ sq ft. The dining passage way slides to the living room but is close beside the kitchen.

In contrast, in League, the living and dining areas are almost one and the same, but with the living area close to the kitchen while the dining area of 7 x 13 feet (91 sq ft) is beside the large patio, where the patio can become an extension of the dining area. This is a unique arrangement of the Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area.

In the Net apartment style, with a total area of 542 sq ft, there is no designated dining area, but a relatively big kitchen beside the living room. The kitchen has an extension called pantry which can be used as a dining area.

The Racquet floor plan or apartment style, with a total area of 797 sq ft has a well designated Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area of 9 x 7.8 feet or 70.2 sq ft, but can be enlarged since it is contiguous to the living area. The dining area is beside the kitchen.

The Rally dining area is larger, about 11.9 x 7.4 or 88.06 sq ft and is contiguous to the living area, beside the kitchen. At the corner of the dining area is a small storage space. Food can easily be served from the kitchen to the dining space.

Tournament has a large total area of 979 sq ft, but a smaller Chathamcourt Reflections Dining Area of 6.7 x 8.8 feet or nearly 59 sq ft, since it has two bedrooms. The dining area, while contiguous to the living room can easily slide into a large patio or balcony which can be used which can also be used as an extended dining area.

Volley has a smaller total area, about 659 sq ft, but with a well placed dining area at the center of the apartment. The dining area is adjacent to the kitchen but is an extension of the living room. The large area patio is almost equal to the size of the bedroom which is 9.7 x 10.7 or 104 sq ft. This flexible design enables the living room to be extended to the dining area, while the dining space can be transferred to the patio.
Wimbledon has a large dining area, half of the space to that of the living room at 91 sq ft, and close to the kitchen.You can visit site :

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